It’s almost Halloween! That means lit jack-o-lanterns, candle decorations and huge costumes that can all be fire safety hazards. We want to remind everyone to take the simple safety precautions to ensure you have a fun and fire-free Halloween!
- Choose a costume that does not have long trailing fabric or made of material that easily ignites when coming in contact with heat or flames.
- Dried flowers, corn stalks or paper directions are extremely flammable. Keep them a safe distance away from lights, candles and other heat sources.
- Use flashlights or battery operated candles in jack-o-lanterns. If you use real candles, use extreme caution and never leave it unsupervised around children or pets.
- Remember to keep exits clear of decorations so it does not block escape routes.
- Teach children to stay away from open flames, especially if they have their costumes on. Teach them how to stop, drop and roll if their clothes catch fire. Practice makes perfect!
- Use flashlights or electric lights when lighting up your walkway or yard. Avoid open flames or tiki torches so trick or treaters don’t accidently knock one over.
In event of a fire, also have a fire extinguisher on hand and make sure it is fully charges. 80% of home fires can be stopped by a fire extinguisher.
Have fun and stay safe this Halloween!