A fire in a wind turbine is pretty rare but it can still happen. Fires, especially in wind turbines, can cause irreparable damage which is why a fire suppression system is so important to install. It is a small price to pay to protect your investment.
According to the United States Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, fire suppression systems in wind turbines are not required but highly recommended. Because there are no set regulations, many choose to look over this to save money or develop their own fire emergency plans.
Although fires are a rare occurrence, the results from one can cost the owner of the turbine a lot of money and long shut down times. It is hard to think of a good reason not to have fire protection for your wind turbines. Add to this the fact that wind turbines are so high, they are often out of reach for a fire department, it just makes sense to include fire protection.
MIJA is the leader in pressure gauges for fire suppression systems. When your investment cost millions of dollars, you want the most reliable fire suppression system and equipment. MIJA’s UL-listed gauges come in a variety of stock sizes, feature high-quality stainless steel components, are suitable for pressures from 100 to 8,000 PSI, and are compatible with most commercial and industrial extinguishers.
For more information, call MIJA at 781-871-5750 or email us at sales@mija.com.