Thanksgiving with COPD

Thanksgiving with COPD

Today is World COPD Day and also the day before Thanksgiving. MIJA would like to wish you a happy Thanksgiving and also recognize the debilitating lung disease that impacts an estimated 251 million people worldwide, COPD. For many of us, Thanksgiving is a day full of family, friends, and over-indulgence. But if you have COPD, over eating can make you very uncomfortable. A full stomach can press against your diaphragm and make breathing even more difficult.

Here are a few suggestions to help make Thanksgiving a satisfying one.

  • When possible, limit yourself to small portions of your favorite holiday treats.
  • Eat slowly and chew thoroughly.
  • Politely say no to an extra helping.
  • Enjoy some red wine with dinner. It goes well with turkey and contains antioxidants.
  • Don’t overdo it with the beer. The bubbly, hoppy stuff can leave you feeling bloated, and that tends to make breathing a little more difficult.
  • Go easy on the saturated fats like butter and milk or cream.
  • Eat plenty of high fiber veggies and fruits
  • Make sure you are getting enough water
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