In the wake of hurricane Florence, over 500,000 homes and businesses in North Carolina and South Carolina are still without power. For patients requiring medical oxygen, hurricane season only adds to the anxiety of how they will survive the storms. The concern about having enough oxygen in their cylinder or having electricity to operate an oxygen concentrator becomes one more thing for the patients and caregivers to worry about.
The MIJA impact
At the end of each storm, MIJA receives an influx of inquiries from individuals and their loved ones faced with the anxiety of whether they would have enough oxygen to last the storm. Florence is no different. Recently, MIJA had an inquiry from a nurse who is looking for the Critical Alert as a safety device to add to her mom’s oxygen tank. During Hurricane Florence, they lost power and could not operate the oxygen concentrator for her mother. The loss of power created sleepless nights and increased anxiety over whether she would have enough oxygen to last the night. Even as a medical professional, it is difficult to interpret what 1,000 psi or 500psi means in regard to time left of available oxygen. The Critical Alerts battery operated electronics and visual and audible alarms indicate the oxygen cylinder status and provide the comfort needed during a storm.
Learn More!
To learn more about the Critical Alert and its capabilities, click here.
We also have a video that you can view here!
For any additional questions, feel free to reach out to our sales team at SALES@MIJA.COM and a representative will contact you in a timely fashion. We look forward to providing you and your loved ones a reliable product that will be there for you during natural disasters!