Employee Appreciation Day at MIJA

Employee Appreciation Day at MIJA

The proof is in the pudding. A company does not stay alive without the help of its employees and MIJA knows first-hand that their work family is the reason behind their success.MIJA has been in business for over 40 years and that is mostly thanks to the hard work and dedication of their loyal employees, most whom have been with the company for over 20 years.

To show their appreciation, MIJA hosted a delicious luncheon for all of their employees and took the time to recognize the time and effort that they each put in to make MIJA a success.

The photo below is of the employees who have been at the company for over 20 years with a combined total of 350 years.

Special Thank you to Mark Peavey, who celebrated 40 years with MIJA on June 15, 2016!

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